Poor alignment is the root cause of many failures in rotating equipment and costs the industrial manufacturing industry hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. Avoid mechanical failure and save money with proper laser alignment in Ontario from Magneto Electric.

Key Benefits
The Benefits of Laser Alignment Service
Proper Laser alignment extends the life expectancy of mal-aligned electric motors.
Increased Life Span
Generally, if a unit is allowed to operate at twice the recommended alignment offset, the life span will be reduced to 1/8th of the normal expectancy!
Avoid Mechanical Failures
Avoid mechanical failure and save money with proper laser alignment in Ontario from Magneto Electric. Unexpected down time costs money in terms of lost production and unplanned expenses.
High Resolution Laser Alignment
For high accuracy and repeatability, misalignment is measured beyond 0.2 mils (2 ten thousands of an inch).
Laser Calibration
We offer calibration to NIST traceable standards.
Types of Misalignment
There are 2 types of misalignment: parallel and angular. Parallel misalignment occurs when the shaft centrelines are parallel, but offset. Angular misalignment occurs when shaft centrelines are not parallel to one another. Misalignment usually involves some combination of parallel and angular misalignment. Significant misalignment causes noticeable vibration, structural weakening and accelerated wear of bearings and shafts.
With our fixture laser and pulley aligner, our technicians can quickly and accurately align your critical machines to help reduce the frequency of breakdowns. An electronic indicator automatically registers clock position during shaft rotation and transmits the run-out measurements to the instrument to display:
- Vertical and horizontal offset
- Vertical and horizontal angularity
- Soft foot condition
- Required corrections of machine positions both front and back in horizontal and vertical condition